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Rough Star

Rough Star

A rough cleaner in paddy processing is a machine used to remove large impurities like straw, stones, sticks, and other debris from harvested paddy before further processing stages. It plays an essential role in ensuring the quality of the paddy by eliminating contaminants that could interfere with subsequent operations like hulling and milling.

Input: The harvested paddy is fed into the rough cleaner.

Screening/Filtering: The machine consists of various sieves or screens with different mesh sizes that separate large impurities from the paddy. The screens vibrate, allowing the paddy to pass through while larger foreign materials are retained and removed.

Output: Cleaned paddy is discharged from the machine, ready for further processing steps like dehusking and milling.

Benefits of Using a Paddy Rough Cleaner


Improves Processing Efficiency

By removing large contaminants early, it reduces the wear and tear on milling equipment.


Enhances Rice Quality

The cleaner the paddy before processing, the better the final rice quality in terms of purity and appearance.



It helps in maintaining the longevity of milling equipment and prevents downtime due to damage caused by foreign materials.



Automated cleaning is faster and more efficient compared to manual cleaning methods.